Friday, April 20, 2012



A country which was named in the bible by the country of milk and honey, this country is Lebanon. The capital of Lebanon is Beirut. The nickname of Beirut is Paris of the east. This wonderful country is surrounded by several countries like Jordan, Palestine, and turkey.


In 1943 Lebanon gained independence from France. This gave Christians the power where in 1948 after the Arab Israeli war many Muslim Palestinians went to Lebanon as refuges. Tensions reached their peak in 1975 because some Christians attacked a bus filled with Muslims, this caused violence and revenge between the two sides. Each group lived separately on its own side. In 1982 Israeli forces attacked areas along Beirut sea front. A peace deal was reached between Muslims and Christians in 1989. Human and economical costs caused by the conflict were too high. Between 150000 to 200000 people died, another 300000 were wounded and quarter of the population left the country.

Lebanon now:-

Lebanon has gathered together to recover economically and socially. Now more than 17 different religions of people lives together peacefully. People their live in peace and enjoying their life. Malls, beaches, hills, these are examples of the wonderful places there for tourists to visit. Beirut takes the third place in number of cars and phones. On the other hand there are still some problems, like if you want to have a great future you need to leave the country for a better education. Unemployment remains very high and money is not in the hand of every body.


Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. Spring 2006. Royal Geographic Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .


ahmed174blogproject said...

lebanon is a great suriving country and histroy shows that

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