Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Carbon footprint is defined as a measurement of the exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions that is caused by an activity or is accumulated over the lift stage of a product. I calculate my "carbon footprint" by using this web http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ and I got 2.29 which means that I'm below the UK average, and the survey goes like this: 22% for food, 19% for travel, 29% for home and 30% for stuff. Now I'm going to mention some of my carbon footprint problems and offer some solutions. First, is that I drive a lot during 1 day and I don’t love to use waking because of the weather in here. Furthermore, I always buy many household items like; mobile phones, mp3 players, TVs and many others. That means wasting a lot of materials and then maybe throwing them away. As a result, that garbage is burned which badly effects the environment. A final problem is that I and my family use electricity too much, so we are wasting this energy source. However, this is non-renewable source, so it is temporary.

Now let's turn to solutions. For the first problem, maybe I could reduce the hours I use the car by planning exactly where I have to go. I could also go to college with my brother because one car is better than two cars. Second, I have to reduce buying household items. For example, I usually buy a new mobile phone every year, so I could make it every two years instead of one year. Last, I have already begun to reduce using electricity by switching off the lights when I leave even for a little while, and now I use some air conditions instead of using them all and I watch TV with my family instead of alone.

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