Monday, May 5, 2008

In my pinion this topic which is Global Warming is a real issue in the world. This topic let us think about the future of our nation and the amount of greenhouse gases which threaten our lives. AL Gore convinced us that the earth needs to be rescued. His topic was interesting by showing some charts and drawings. Using charts, drawings and movies made this a huge subject, why it’s a huge subject because he is telling us that if we stay like this we might all be threatened, every thing will disappear, and we may even get back to ice ages. The interesting thing is that all problems that he explained were really important and we need solutions and we need them fast because if we didn’t make a step forward we will face some troubles. The most important thing is that we made the problem so we have to get the solution. This was like he said we know that cigarettes may kill us but we still smoke it. At the end the scale rating of this documentary video is 10 out of 10 because it really affected on me and I think it will effect in every body who will know this problem that we are facing.

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