Tuesday, May 6, 2008

introduction to Global warming

Global warming is the change in the climate. A lot of people talk about the weather change, the earth weather nowadays is different. Now I will talk about the causes of climate change, and their causes.

The main cause of changing the climate is the human them selves, by their activities. All these activities have a negative effect. The industrial activity is driving global temperature to rise. When temperature rise the water volume raises so the sea level increases. Obviously because of high temperature the ice in both poles will melt and cause some high waves and sea level rise. Greenhouse is the process in which the emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warms a planet's surface. This is another cause of global warming. People who burn fossil fuels is the main cause of global warming so people must find other sources of energy and use it instead of fuels, that will be a fare solution to increase of global warming.

click here for a link


ali174blogproject said...

hi mohamed i really enjoyed reading your blog. it was intresting and by the way nice picture and i hope we keep in touch your frind ali hussain

maktoom174blogproject said...

yes your correct but is there any solutions to prevent global warming?

please if you found any solutions mail it to me.

this is my e mail:

174blogproject said...

thx for visiting my friends

ali i apresiated
maktoom i thing the solution is in our hands