Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Hi every body who is reading this, this is me Mohamed from Abu Dhabi, I study in Abu Dhabi Mens College.
My hobbies are sports video games and movies.
Hanging out with my friend is a thing that I do every week end.
Chatting during normal days is a must. I am not married but engaged.
I live with my parents, I have one sister, and we live near to my grand father.

My father works in adma opco Petroleum Company.

I love watching soccer games and basket ball games, I worked with my father in the office just to get used for working.

In the future I will be an engineer, and I am looking to get my master degree.

I love travelling; I have travelled to India, England, ksa, Qatar ….. And other places.

this blog is about global warming and other socail issues. i hope you find it interesting.

I am looking forward to hear your comments.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Conflict Diamong Power point

to view my power point of conflict diamonds
-first, click the link below
-next, on the new page click download file

it may take a few seconds for the page to set it self up.
Download conflictdiamondsMohamed.ppt

click here for a link of a web site

Friday, April 20, 2012



A country which was named in the bible by the country of milk and honey, this country is Lebanon. The capital of Lebanon is Beirut. The nickname of Beirut is Paris of the east. This wonderful country is surrounded by several countries like Jordan, Palestine, and turkey.


In 1943 Lebanon gained independence from France. This gave Christians the power where in 1948 after the Arab Israeli war many Muslim Palestinians went to Lebanon as refuges. Tensions reached their peak in 1975 because some Christians attacked a bus filled with Muslims, this caused violence and revenge between the two sides. Each group lived separately on its own side. In 1982 Israeli forces attacked areas along Beirut sea front. A peace deal was reached between Muslims and Christians in 1989. Human and economical costs caused by the conflict were too high. Between 150000 to 200000 people died, another 300000 were wounded and quarter of the population left the country.

Lebanon now:-

Lebanon has gathered together to recover economically and socially. Now more than 17 different religions of people lives together peacefully. People their live in peace and enjoying their life. Malls, beaches, hills, these are examples of the wonderful places there for tourists to visit. Beirut takes the third place in number of cars and phones. On the other hand there are still some problems, like if you want to have a great future you need to leave the country for a better education. Unemployment remains very high and money is not in the hand of every body.


Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. Spring 2006. Royal Geographic Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

introduction to Global warming

Global warming is the change in the climate. A lot of people talk about the weather change, the earth weather nowadays is different. Now I will talk about the causes of climate change, and their causes.

The main cause of changing the climate is the human them selves, by their activities. All these activities have a negative effect. The industrial activity is driving global temperature to rise. When temperature rise the water volume raises so the sea level increases. Obviously because of high temperature the ice in both poles will melt and cause some high waves and sea level rise. Greenhouse is the process in which the emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warms a planet's surface. This is another cause of global warming. People who burn fossil fuels is the main cause of global warming so people must find other sources of energy and use it instead of fuels, that will be a fare solution to increase of global warming.

click here for a link

Al Gore was a potential president of USA who made a presentation on global worming. Al Gore presentation was a little bit peaceful at the beginning. He was setting a mood that could affect the feelings of the audience and the whole world. He introduced the environment as a threatened environment by global worming. Gore introduced saying by Mark twain:” what gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know, its what we know for sure that just ain’t so”. What Al Gore mint is that we need to be opening minded so we can solve what we did to our world.

. Glaciers around the world are melting. That causes an increase in sea level which will cause a flood of water to the east cities and countries. Gore showed graphs of heat and co2, and the graphs show that when the heat in our world increase the co2 increases to. When temperature of the ocean increase, storms and disasters will be formed. This will cause cities and buildings to collapse. The artic ice will melt; so that will cause drown of cities and heat will extend. Those are causes of diseases sprit in our world because it’s transferred by heat. Melting of ice in Greenland causes the death of animals like bears because they don’t find ice so they have to travel long distances.

Population is increasing. That will cause a huge demand of food and a use of sources of energy. Economy must be helped and that is my educating every body and also by reducing bad habits. America started helping the community by using other sources of energy. The truth that is not convenient is that we are the main cause of al this.

Monday, May 5, 2008

In my pinion this topic which is Global Warming is a real issue in the world. This topic let us think about the future of our nation and the amount of greenhouse gases which threaten our lives. AL Gore convinced us that the earth needs to be rescued. His topic was interesting by showing some charts and drawings. Using charts, drawings and movies made this a huge subject, why it’s a huge subject because he is telling us that if we stay like this we might all be threatened, every thing will disappear, and we may even get back to ice ages. The interesting thing is that all problems that he explained were really important and we need solutions and we need them fast because if we didn’t make a step forward we will face some troubles. The most important thing is that we made the problem so we have to get the solution. This was like he said we know that cigarettes may kill us but we still smoke it. At the end the scale rating of this documentary video is 10 out of 10 because it really affected on me and I think it will effect in every body who will know this problem that we are facing.

for voice thread click here

global worming

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

As the technology in our world increase, people will consume more and demand for sources will be more so the number of people increase, and this will increase the carbon emissions will increase in our world and we will need another earth to survive which is impossible. Japan was one of the countries that started treating this problem because they increased there energy use and decreased their oil consumption.

Most of emissions are from buildings and transportation, so as a result a new project was brought which is the building of Cool city. Cool city is an ideal and model city of technology and knowledge gathered from the SDCG expertise. This city will operate on natural energies, such as it will present solar ships, hybrid cars, light rail transit, and monorail as transportation. It will also meet the requirements of the residents and visitors by having a business, sport, resort zones and a Jatropha forests, last but not least it will contain power plant farms. This cities heat managing will be unique, where they will manage heat by water, planting trees, roof membrane and the usage of recycled cool air.

As a result the buildings will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60%, where the echo towers will reduce 50% and the echo residences will reduce carbon emissions to 30%. This is a great project to prove that technology can be used in solving problems, and maybe in the near future we will find a way to stop global warming.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Carbon footprint is defined as a measurement of the exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions that is caused by an activity or is accumulated over the lift stage of a product. I calculate my "carbon footprint" by using this web http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ and I got 2.29 which means that I'm below the UK average, and the survey goes like this: 22% for food, 19% for travel, 29% for home and 30% for stuff. Now I'm going to mention some of my carbon footprint problems and offer some solutions. First, is that I drive a lot during 1 day and I don’t love to use waking because of the weather in here. Furthermore, I always buy many household items like; mobile phones, mp3 players, TVs and many others. That means wasting a lot of materials and then maybe throwing them away. As a result, that garbage is burned which badly effects the environment. A final problem is that I and my family use electricity too much, so we are wasting this energy source. However, this is non-renewable source, so it is temporary.

Now let's turn to solutions. For the first problem, maybe I could reduce the hours I use the car by planning exactly where I have to go. I could also go to college with my brother because one car is better than two cars. Second, I have to reduce buying household items. For example, I usually buy a new mobile phone every year, so I could make it every two years instead of one year. Last, I have already begun to reduce using electricity by switching off the lights when I leave even for a little while, and now I use some air conditions instead of using them all and I watch TV with my family instead of alone.